Best Practices for Effective Ecommerce Product Pages

Best Practices for Effective Ecommerce Product Pages - 5280 Software LLC
Best Practices for Effective Ecommerce Product Pages - 5280 Software LLC

According to Statista, the number of online shoppers worldwide in 2020 is estimated to be over 2 billion. It is from this population that you get your target market.

If you are keen on how E-commerce sites operate, you will notice that most of them dedicate an entire page to describe each product in their inventory. Customers rely on the product description to get additional information. 

Such information includes: 

  • Color
  • Size 
  • Quantity limits
  • Price variations 
  • Specification 
  • Shipping services 
  • Country of origin 

Most website development Denver agencies provide product descriptions and writing services. If you ask professionals what it takes to develop product descriptions, they will tell you that it is not a simple task. There is a lot that goes on in developing product pages and content. 

Therefore, your e-commerce product page should provide a presentation of your product and display relevant information that customers want to see. Online merchants aim for a product page that informs the reader and promotes online sales.

Customer-Centric Design

The first step of creating an effective eCommerce product page is to understand the thoughts, desires, and needs of your target audience. This information can be easily obtained from customer feedback (reviews and queries) and quality variables. A good product page and description should be tailored upon the wishes of the customers. 

Therefore, you need to first know and understand your target audience. When you provide quality products or services, you do not need to say a lot about them because they speak for themselves.  You should design your product page with the customer in mind.

Product Descriptions That Increase Sales

A product description is the marketing copy, text, or content that appears on a product page. Here, you aim to compel the reader to buy by briefly explaining what the product is about and why it’s worth purchasing.

Unique Content 

Try as much as possible to avoid the cookie-cutter product description, your copy or text needs to stand out from the pack. You can choose to create the content for your e-commerce product pages on your own, or you can hire website development Denver copywriters to write you a perfect product description. The benefit of hiring professionals is that you get value for your money and a copy that sells. 

Sufficient Information 

Adding more details to your product description can improve your sales. The more information you provide the easier it is for the buyer to make the purchase. In this case, you need to differentiate between too much and insufficient information. 

You will have to describe the unique features and technology of complex products. Aim to add numbers and statistics to your product description to give it a technical outlook. You’ll only know that you have provided sufficient details when there are more purchases and less inquiry.

Sell the Value Not The Product

A good and effective product description should sell both the product and its benefits. You need to tailor your content for the buyer to see value in your solution. The text should put more focus on the benefits of the product. Besides providing a solution, you need to give the buyer a good reason to purchase.

How you present the benefits of your product matters a lot. The information you provide should clear and to the point. You should try as much as possible to avoid using filler words and jargon-free. To help get your message across you can highlight the benefits using the following techniques:

  • Bullet Points
  • Bold Text
  • Colored Text
  • Capitalization

Make No Mistakes 

Customers are always looking for a reason not to buy your product and they will find it when you fail to proofread your work. Ensure that you do not duplicate content. Go through your work to confirm that your content has no grammar or spelling mistakes and typos.

Most online merchants are fond of using the same information on products that are similar but from the same brand. Google does not like plagiarism and any information that appears to be deceptive. Therefore, it is important to construct individual product pages and unique content for each product. Any signs of content that can mislead the buyer can greatly cost your page ranking on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).

Multimedia Product Pages

In the world of digital marketing, you can convey multiple ideas or information about a product by just a single picture. To achieve this, your product page should incorporate other elements of multimedia such as images and videos. The image you use to complement your text should be of high-resolution and matches the product description. 

Using a video helps a lot in giving your product a three-dimensional view. You can still achieve 3D views with images capturing different angles of the product.  For the best results, you may need the help of a professional photographer and graphics designer. Website development Denver agencies can help you optimize your images with alt tags to achieve the best user experience. 

Call-To-Action (CTA)

Shockingly, some customers would like to be ushered to make a purchase.  You can assist them by adding a Call-to-Action (CTA) button.  A CTA button is the most crucial part of a product page because it helps you close the sale. There are three things that you need to consider when designing for your CTA button, and these are:

  • Size 
  • Color
  • Sales copy 

You should see the Call-to-Action button as the finish line ribbon of your product page. It should be strategically placed on the page (bottom, side, or hovering) to enhance visibility and provide a fast and easy transition to the purchasing process. Focus on the three elements of CTA buttons and you will make a significant difference to your product page. 

Final Thoughts

Generally, coming up with an effective eCommerce product page is not a simple task. As you have seen, it involves hiring professional service providers and working together with customers. Use the information shared in this article to help you create product pages that turn visitors into customers. 

About 5280 Software LLC:

5280 Software LLC, located in Denver, Colorado is a premier software development firm.  We have worked with a variety of clients over the years.  Our expert team of developers have helped small to medium sized businesses, startups, as well as enterprise level clients such as RingCentral.  If you are looking to build a mobile app, we can deliver flawless apple ios mobile apps as well as android mobile apps.  These apps can be designed for smartphones, ipad and android tablets, wearable such as smart watches, and even smart TVs.  The power of a well designed app to gain new customers is key in today’s market.  We help execute your app development to perfection.  A website is powerful tool for branding and showcasing the products or services you offer.  We can build you a WordPress, E-Commerce, or custom coded website at competitive prices.

Once the site is launched, or if you already have a website, we offer Search Engine Optimization Services to achieve higher search engine rankings.  Contact us today with your website’s URL and we will put together a free SEO analysis of your site with pricing and timeline to get your site ranked on the first page of Google and other search engines. Our experienced and dedicated team has a proven track record and provide regular reporting on tasks completed and keyword movements during your SEO project.  We help businesses and companies gain rankings on all the major search engines.

Many businesses use multiple software packages and services to run their business.  We offer custom software development and coding services to streamline your business process.  We have developed custom dashboards that can pull data from multiple points and display all this information in one place.  Do you use an off the shelf CRM or CMS?  5280 Software LLC can customize this CRM or even build a custom CRM from the ground up based on your requirements.  If you need a custom Windows desktop, Mac desktop, internet cloud based, or server application, feel free to reach out to us.

Our developers know the most current development language such as javascript, css, and other browser compliant scripting languages and frameworks.  We have extensive backend database programmers with adroit skills and knowledge and can work with any technology stack or framework.  Whether it be servers running sql, Amazon db, or others, we have your requirements under control.  We have the resources to setup a domain registration and hosting for your websites.  If your users or manangement need help learning a new system, we can address their questions or needs.  We know there are many developer options on the market, choose 5280 Software LLC, the company with the tools and options to integrate with your current systems with the highest level of security.  All projects include a Scope of Work and development contract specific to the project requirements.

We can improve the understanding of your business and marketing outreach through the use of analytics.  We offer a complete solution with the latest technologies to solve your obstacles and scale your customer base.  From the start of any project (and at every stage, step, phase, and release) we focus on the client and always ask for feedback while we develop the project.  Creating a quality solution for a business or startup is our end goal.  Our strategy and processes are based on solid communication with our clients.

All projects are built according to a clearly defined scope of work.  If you need assistance with scope creation, we offer this as a service. This scope of work will be used in the provided development contract.  Make sure whomever you hire for your project provides you a development contract with clearly defined pricing, development timeline, payment schedule, and deliverables.  We would like to learn about your project and help refine your scope of work.

If you have an idea for a mobile app, please emails us your full name or company name and we will send you a signed NDA.  We send NDAs to all potential clients to guarantee your ideas and documents will be kept in confidence.  Once an NDA is in place, feel free to book a free discovery call.  You can also fill out our app development questionnaire to share the details of your project before your call.  We are the leading firm specializing in building solutions for the web, iphones and other smart devices including IOT.  Our company can create a custom solution on a variety of platforms using the most current popular programming languages.  Weather it is a cross platform hybrid app or a natively programmed solution, we have you covered!

We look forward to speaking with you about your project.  Learn why clients around the world trust working with 5280 Software LLC.  We support our clients from mockups, sketch, wireframes, and graphic design, development, product launch and ASO when we publish your app, and even code updates at a competitive price point.  Feel free to visit us on our social sites Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or send us a LinkedIn connection request to learn about our offers to get answers to your questions.  Let us turn your idea into reality!