10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Content Fresh

10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Content Fresh
10 Ways to Keep Your Blog Content Fresh

Content is the meat of your website and the face of your business. Since change is constant, blog content slowly becomes outdated and eventually loses its charm. New facts would beat the authenticity of your content which Google may interpret as misleading content, which can harm your brand reputation and SEO ranking.

You need to keep your blog content fresh to keep your readers engaged, informed and up to date with new trends in the industry. Studies show that humans feel good when they encounter new things. Therefore, keeping your blog content fresh can boost your conversion rate.

Define Your Blogging Purpose and Objectives

Generally, blogs are used to provide information and initiate discussions. However, many websites use blogs to implement content marketing strategies such as:

  • Creating brand awareness and reputation
  • Improving product or service sales
  • Increase customer-base
  • Provide informative and educative content

For each reason you come up with, you will need objectives to help you achieve the expected results. Your objective or goals are your key performance indicators to measuring different levels of success. An objective for improving product or service sales can be increasing conversion rate by 50% in one month.

Working with purposes and objectives should help you accomplished the results you expect. If the purpose of your blog is to increase and retain your readers, they you would better keep your blog content fresh. Here are some of the most used ways you to achieve that goal.

  1. Come Up with A Content Calendar

If your blog handles different topics and subjects, then a content calendar should help you determine what to post on a particular day and time.  You can try a weekly or monthly calendar depending on your schedule or preference.

You will also be required to come up with a realistic posting frequency (every day or three times in a week) and communicate it to your readers. As your readers continue to learn your routine, they will hold you accountable if you fail to post as planned.

  • Pre-scheduling Your Blog Posts

The best thing about drafting your blog post in advance is that you can schedule it.  Pre-scheduling your content frees you from the burden of publishing content on a specific day and at a particular time. Make good use of automated publishing tools to schedule your post to make up time for vacation or work.

  • Develop Evergreen Content

As the name implies, evergreen content stays relevant over a long period. The best way to write content that does not go out of date is by choosing a topic that is always relevant to readers. Content that is not time-sensitive use topics have high interest and search volumes, such as “how to lose weight.” These are topics that are relevant to your line of work. Invest your time and energy to developed sustainable content.

  • Optimize Your Old Content

The best way to bring life to your good old post is by updating them with new information. Optimization can be done in the following ways:

  • Checking and updating links and references
  • Modifying your content with new information
  • Reorganizing your content to improve the flow of idea
  • Changing tense (“is” to “was”)
  • Checking for grammar, spelling and typo errors
  • Update your post’s visual content
  • Add new and relevant multimedia elements (images, graphics, and videos)
  • Search Engine Optimization

If you are new to SEO, then your old content may need to be optimized for search engines.  Blog posts with SEO may need to be updated with new keywords and key phrases. As you improve the quality and authenticity of your content, Google will be notified and will greatly reward you by increasing your page ranking on the Search engine results page (SERP).

  • Rewrite Topics from Old Blog Posts

When you do a topic search online, you will discover that there are different versions of a topic, and all rank well on search engines. Write new content on past but modified topics. One way to achieve this is by hiring different freelancers to write on the same topic. In the end, you will have different versions of content that you can post on your blog.

  • Attract Different Target Audiences

Some customers may prefer to go through your content in text form, while others will consider listening to it. You can convert your old blog post into a video or audiobook and post it side together with the text. This way, you will attract different target audiences with the same message.

  • Consumer Feedback

As you go through your comment section, you may come across new ideas, information, or suggestions shared by your readers. You can add the information obtained from your readers to update your blog posts and make it look fresh. Therefore, try and encourage your readers to post their feedback on your comment section or even contact you.

  • Source for New Topics

For you to post regularly and meet your goals, you need to come up with new topics. You can get topics for your blog by doing in-depth online research by going through Forums and Q&A Platforms such as Quora, Reddit, and Yahoo Answers. Your competitors can also be a source of inspiration for topic ideas relevant to your business. Always stay alert for new content and note down every idea that come to mind.

  1. Outsourcing Your Content

You can approach this solution in three ways: hiring a professional freelance writer, inviting guest bloggers, or outsourcing from a writing service provider. Some of the website development Denver agencies or companies offer blog writing services at an affordable fee. You need new players to your team who can provide reliable writing skills that match your quality standards.


Keeping your blog content fresh is the best way to maintain your readers, but unfortunately it is the biggest challenge bloggers go through every day. These ten actionable tasks can help you build a good customer base and meet your content marketing strategy.

About 5280 Software LLC:

5280 Software LLC, located in Denver, Colorado is a premier software development firm. We have worked with a variety of clients over the years. Our expert team of developers have helped small to medium sized businesses, startups, as well as enterprise level clients such as RingCentral. If you are looking to build a mobile app, we can deliver flawless apple ios mobile apps as well as android mobile apps. These apps can be designed for smartphones, ipad and android tablets, wearable such as smart watches, and even smart TVs. The power of a well designed app to gain new customers is key in today’s market. We help execute your app development to perfection. A website is powerful tool for branding and showcasing the products or services you offer. We can build you a WordPress, E-Commerce, or custom coded website at competitive prices.

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Many businesses use multiple software packages and services to run their business. We offer custom software development and coding services to streamline your business process. We have developed custom dashboards that can pull data from multiple points and display all this information in one place. Do you use an off the shelf CRM or CMS? 5280 Software LLC can customize this CRM or even build a custom CRM from the ground up based on your requirements. =

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We have the resources to setup a domain registration and hosting for your websites. Our websites, mobile apps, and custom software are interactive and can work on many different platforms and browsers. If your users or management need help learning a new system, we can address their questions or needs. We know there are many developer options on the market, choose 5280 Software LLC, the company with the tools and options to integrate with your current systems with the highest level of security. User management can be achieved online or onsite for our custom solutions. All projects include a Scope of Work and development contract specific to the project requirements.

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