Mobile App Development Questions That Startups Need to Answer

Mobile App Development Questions That Startups Need to Answer - 5280 Software LLC
Mobile App Development Questions That Startups Need to Answer - 5280 Software LLC

Startups and established businesses and enterprises have for a very long time been creating digital products to stay competitive online. Some of their mobile app developments have been successful, while the rest have failed. The difference between the two is that one of them was answering the right questions before building an app. 

Are you looking to develop an app for your company or personal needs? If so, then here are some of the app-building questions that you need to answer.

Why Would I Need A Native Mobile App in The First Place?

Businesses create apps for many reasons. You can build an app to improve brand visibility, increase your customer base, increase your revenue, and lastly provide a unique service to your existing services. By discovering something unique about your app, you get an opportunity to stand out from other apps in your line of business. Therefore, you need to have a key purpose or reason before you build your app.

How Do I Protect My Native Mobile App Idea?

Every app development project starts with a unique idea, which is a tool that startups use to gain a competitive edge in the market.  There is always that fear that someone with powerful resources may steal the idea and launch an app before you.  This is the reason why most investors would first request the developer to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

On the other hand, before top agencies or developers sign an NDA, they may need to get some basic information. Meaningful discussions arise after you have shared the non-proprietary information about the business or app idea. This is general information such as the budget, timeline, app platform, and general focus of your app. Therefore, it is best to start on a good note with your app developer.

Which Native Mobile App Platform Should I Give Priority?

In mobile app development there are two popular platforms, iOS, and Android, and each of them has its benefits to a business. With iOS, Startups, or early-stage ventures will get more engaging users who are also willing to spend money.  Data shows that iOS apps tend to generate more revenue than their counterparts and also match key demographic needs.

If your app idea has features that are not supported by iOS, then you would be better to build your app on the Android platform. Businesses that seek to first create an audience would rather go with Android due to the rapid use of android devices in the world. In case you are split on your platform choice, you can still launch your app idea on both platforms.

How Much Will It Cost to Develop My Native Mobile App?

The cost of your app will be influenced by a handful of factors. Some of the common ones are the app features and the platform it will use.  Depending on the app idea and the work required to develop that solution, some developers may charge up to six figures. If you are to acquire the services of top mobile app developers then you should be prepared to part with a cost of between $500,000 and $1,000,000.

If you are running on a low budget, then the next best solution will be to seek the services of smaller shops or freelancers. Here the quality of work varies and if you are lucky you might get digital products slightly close to the standards of the high-cost developers. Sometimes cheap services cost more in the long run.

How Long Will It Take to Build My Native Mobile App?

For an app to meet all the elements of quality and be a great app, it must go through various stages of the mobile app development process. Strategic planning, UX, design, quality assurance, testing, and app submission are the key stages.  Moving from the first to the last stage of building your app can take between four to six months; or even more. 

The cost of the project depends on the scope of work, the expertise, and the availability of resources. Working with a team is better than dealing with an individual freelancer who is tasked with creating all elements of the app. Experienced teams are known to take much less time as compared to inexperienced smaller teams or offshore shops. Cheap services are usually associated with costly delays.

How Do I Raise Money for My Native Mobile App?

As mentioned earlier, mobile app development can be a costly venture for startups.  Early-stage ventures are forced to rely on investors to fun their app ideas. If you intend to go this route, you will have to have an elevator pitch and some marketing material to go with it. An investor pitch desk is also something you should create along with a solid business plan.  One of the best ways to show your investor that you are serious about the app venture is by investing in your product.

How Can I Support My Native Mobile App to Success?

Most people make a big mistake of not seeing an app as a business of its own. Just like any other business, an app investment needs marketing, customer support, security, and analytical interpreting.  You need to shift your focus to your app features and work hard to implement the best user experience. This is the reason why you need to develop an app with a goal in mind.

How Often Should I Update My Native Mobile App?

Mobile app development in a long-term commitment, and it does not end at the launching stage.  Some bugs need to be fixed and some features updated. Depending on your feedback, budget, and app roadmap, you should update your app at least once a month. You can also choose to release your new app versions alongside major OS updates.

Providing frequent updates to your app improves the user experience and attracts more user engagement.

Final Thoughts

The amount of energy and time you put into answering the above questions will determine the success of the product in the app store. Use these questions to set the foundation of your app development project and help to guide the creation of your mobile app.

About 5280 Software LLC:

5280 Software LLC, located in Denver, Colorado is a premier software development firm.  We have worked with a variety of clients over the years.  Our expert team of developers have helped small to medium sized businesses, startups, as well as enterprise level clients such as RingCentral.  If you are looking to build a mobile app, we can deliver flawless apple ios mobile apps as well as android mobile apps.  These apps can be designed for smartphones, ipad and android tablets, wearable such as smart watches, and even smart TVs.  The power of a well designed app to gain new customers is key in today’s market.  We help execute your app development to perfection.  A website is powerful tool for branding and showcasing the products or services you offer.  We can build you a WordPress, E-Commerce, or custom coded website at competitive prices.

Once the site is launched, or if you already have a website, we offer Search Engine Optimization Services to achieve higher search engine rankings.  Contact us today with your website’s URL and we will put together a free SEO analysis of your site with pricing and timeline to get your site ranked on the first page of Google and other search engines. Our experienced and dedicated team has a proven track record and provide regular reporting on tasks completed and keyword movements during your SEO project.  We help businesses and companies gain rankings on all the major search engines.

Many businesses use multiple software packages and services to run their business.  We offer custom software development services to streamline your business process.  We have developed custom dashboards that can pull data from multiple points and display all this information in one place.  Do you use an off the shelf CRM?  5280 Software LLC can customize this CRM or even build a custom CRM from the ground up based on your requirements.  If you need a custom Windows desktop or Mac desktop application, feel free to reach out to us.

We can improve the understanding of your business and marketing outreach through the use of analytics.  We offer a complete solution with the latest technologies to solve your obstacles and scale your customer base.  From the start of any project (and at every stage, step, phase, and release) we focus on the client and always ask for feedback while we develop the project.  Creating a quality solution for a business or startup is our end goal.  Our strategy and processes are based on solid communication with our clients.

All projects are built according to a clearly defined scope of work.  If you need assistance with scope creation, we offer this as a service. This scope of work will be used in the provided development contract.  Make sure whomever you hire for your project provides you a development contract with clearly defined pricing, development timeline, payment schedule, and deliverables.  We would like to learn about your project and help refine your scope of work.

If you have an idea for a mobile app, please emails us your full name or company name and we will send you a signed NDA.  We send NDAs to all potential clients to guarantee your ideas and documents will be kept in confidence.  Once an NDA is in place, feel free to book a free discovery call.  You can also fill out our app development questionnaire to share the details of your project before your call.  We are the leading firm specializing in building solutions for the web, iphones and other smart devices including IOT.  Our company can create a custom solution on a variety of platforms using the most current popular programming languages.  Weather it is a cross platform hybrid app or a natively programmed solution, we have you covered!

We look forward to speaking with you about your project.  Learn why clients around the world trust working with 5280 Software LLC.  We support our clients from mockups, sketch, wireframes, and graphic design, development, product launch and ASO when we publish your app, and even code updates at a competitive price point.  Feel free to visit us on our social sites Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or send us a LinkedIn connection request to learn about our offers to get answers to your questions.  Let us turn your idea into reality!